TotalSports VOB’s walking group caters for a wide range of Walkers and comprises of beginners to seasoned race walkers who have gone on to represent Western Province and South Africa in this discipline but most importantly those walkers in-between who make up the core of our group.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays – There are two groups of Walkers who leave from the ClubHouse. The first group leave at 5.30pm and comprises of Walkers at a pace of 8.30 minutes per kilometre. The second group leave at 5.45pm and the pace is 10 minutes per kilometre.
- Wednesday Time Trials – A weekly five kilometre ‘race’ with yourself and your fellow walkers on a set route. Walkers start at 5.45pm in summer and at 5.30pm in winter.
- Saturday Mornings – Walks vary between 12 – 15 kilometres
Races – TotalSports VOB walkers can regularly be seen participating in Western Province Road Race Walking League events, in track events, grand prix events and we can even be seen walking in running races. - Incentive – Paid up members who participate in a specified number of walking events, including our specific Walking challenges, can earn an ‘incentive’ shirt.
- Race Walking Clinics are arranged when needed.
No matter what your speed, style, and walking aspirations, you will be welcomed by the TotalSports VOB walkers.
For further information, kindly contact Trish Gilmour: